Hi everyone,
We have now released OpenSolver 2.9.3 for beta testing! You can download this new version of OpenSolver on https://sourceforge.net/projects/opensolver/files/. Below are the release notes that cover the changes made in this new version of OpenSolver:
v2.9.3 – 2020/03/02
- Added support for using Gurobi 9.0
- Added a temp fix for running consecutive operations on Excel64bit
v2.9.2 – 2019-02-04
- Add support for NEOS CPLEX as a new solver.
- Add import LP file feature.
- Add Examples files and submenu.
- Fix memory error when solving consecutive non-linear models in 64bit.
As always, we welcome any feedback! Please comment below if it works ok, or if there are any issues encountered, or if you have any questions regarding the new release. Thanks!
Hi OpenSolver Developers, thank you for making the powerful tool. I encountered installation problems with my new machine (macOS Catalina, version 10.15.6, Excel version 16.41). I downloaded the package and clicked on the “OpenSolver Solvers.pkg”, installed; and clicked on the OpenSolver.xlam, and enabled the macro, but nothing happened after that. I’d be happy to follow further instructions, or if the Google sheet option ever comes available, that’s also wonderful news.
I have downloaded OpenSolver 2.9.0 and extracted it to a folder. However, when I try to open OPenSolver.xlam, I get a screen saying “opening OpenSolver” but nothing happens.